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Failure To Attend

To avoid the cost of failed appointments being passed onto the rest of our patients, we will charge for un-used time where a patient fails to attend or cancels without reasonable notice (less than 48 hours before the appointment).

Failing to attend an appointment for the first time will result in a letter sent to you. It is your responsibility to ensure that we are informed of any changes to your contact information. After the first instance, failing to attend an appointment will result in a charge of £30.00 per appointment.

A 1st failure to attend- will result in a written or verbal communication being given. The patient will be given the opportunity to rebook the appointment.

A 2nd failure to attend- If a patient continually fails to attend appointments and misses 2 or more appointments, given less than 48 hours’ notice, the practice may feel this constitutes and irrevocable breakdown in relations and the patient may therefore be refused further treatment at the practice.

Clover Dental and Implant Centre reserves the right to refuse further treatment to patients who fail to attend two or more appointments. This would potentially mean their removal from the practice registration list.
Patients who are unable to make their appointment because of illness should, where possible, contact the practice as soon as they are aware that they cannot attend. If you are unsure whether you can make it to an appointment, please contact us early to discuss the matter rather than leaving it to the last minute. Failing to notify us before the appointment time will result in a failure to attend charge being made unless there are exceptional circumstances.

We understand that scenarios do occur, and discretion will be used if there is a good reason for the appointment being missed.

Late Cancellations

At Clover Dental and Implant Centre we will require a deposit when you book an appointment (some appointments don’t require a deposit), this will be deducted from your bill for the relevant treatment at your next visit. We understand that things sometimes come up and that you may need to make changes to your appointment. We will always be as flexible as possible with our patients – that’s why the deposit will be refunded if you subsequently cancel the appointment with more than 48 hours’ notice.

However, we reserve the right to retain your deposit in case of late cancellations (any cancellation with less than 48 hours’ notice). This may sound strict, but quite simply if you cancel with less than 48 hours’ notice it is very difficult for us to rebook your appointment slot or slots which means that we are unlikely to treat another patient in your place. This means that our team will not be treating any patients, but we’ll still have to pay them all and all our running costs, this means that lovely patients just like you will have had to wait longer than they needed to for an appointment.

We will always try to be sensitive to personal circumstances in the event of late cancellations.

Deposit Fee Structure:

  1. Appointments of 40 mins or less we will take a deposit of £20.
  2. Appointments of 50 mins or less we will take a deposit of £40.
  3. Appointments of 60 mins or less we will take a deposit of £80.
  4. Appointments of 70 mins or less we will take a deposit of £160.
  5. Appointments of 80+mins or less we will take a deposit of £320.
  6. For any treatments lasting longer than 2 hours we may take a deposit amounting to half the cost of the total treatment
  7. For specialist appointments (such as implants or specialist endodontics) the deposit required may vary from specialist to specialist, dependent on the stage of the treatment and type of appointment. Full details will be given throughout the treatment plans.

Late Arrival

We understand that some patients travel long distances to get to the practice, and in some cases being late for appointments can be unavoidable. Patients arriving more than 10 minutes late for a Dentist, Therapist or Hygienist appointment may be requested to reschedule their appointment as it would be difficult to fit their appointment in without the dentist/hygienist/therapist running late for other patients.

Due to the uncertainty of offering personalised healthcare treatment, occasionally our appointments can over-run. The team at Clover Dental and Implant Centre recognise the value of your time and work hard to ensure your appointment is punctual. However, in circumstances beyond our control, Clover Dental and Implant Centre may be required to cancel or reschedule appointments.

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